Saturday 8 March 2008


The link above is just a website that discuss scenerio of infidelity, the big question is that is Is infidelity an unparondable sin or is it just a part of human nature?

OMD!!!! CHEATING! Dont get me started on this one! I think its wrong if youre happy with the person youre with but yet still you go and cheat! nah it aint good at all. This session was quite funny because there were people that was saying that they recommend cheating on their partners because it is good and I think that is just wrong. If you realise that the relationship is not going very well or it has lost its passion then just end it and move on, dont cheat and leave the other person in the dark.

Fair enough some people were saying what if youre drunk and they end up in someone elses bed, but hello, you shouldnt have got that drunk in the first place because anything can happen to you in that state of mind. you could get raped a dozen times, how would you feel then?

Cheating is not the answer, especially if its a one night stand. It's just not worth it, you could end up getting all sorts of STD or STI all because of cheating. Cheating is too much hassle because the clips that she showed us, the man had to go on secret hideouts and all that crap, its just too much hassle and its bad!

Stop now while you can because the truth never stays in! lol


Teleka said...
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Teleka said...

Well at one point in my life I would have totally agreed with you but unless we've been in the situation ourself its easier said then done. Our emotions change and our outlook on dealing with difficult situations isn't as easy as it look especially judging from an outside point of view. I used to say 'I would never cheat' but as an old myth says 'never say never'. Its not so easy to break away from a relationship especially when you love the person and you have invested so much time to make it work. Once i'd read the article in the Guardian extract handout looking at it from the husband's point of view it made alot more sense to me how complicated it can be especially when children are involved. You asked if Infidelity was a sin, in biblical terms and under religious circumstances yes I believe it is a sin but I also believe it is human nature because were born into a sinful world so were bound to be tempted.

chris said...

Hehe, agree with you...don't get that drunk in the first place! I know alot of people that are/have cheated and believe ends in tears.