Friday 14 March 2008

Bad Cinema: KIDS

The site talk about a range of things to do with children and teachers being bad!

The film was alright overall, however i thought that some scenes were extremly shocking e.g. when the girl got raped sleeping and when she also found out that she got HIV. Those were the main parts that made me feel really bad. There was alot of things that made the film 'bad', however I felt that the film was potrayed in a very 'black' way, if you know what I mean? The ways in which the characters were acting like black I thought that was bad and the way in which they were dressed and the way they spoke was very black.

The film to me was bad and emotional, in a way the director could be looked at as a pervert but then again the things that happen in the film is indeed reality. Kids are exactly like that these days, however people in todays society doesnt want to see Kids behaving in that way, especially if someone is going to make a film about it. People in todays society want to see happy ever endings and smiley faces all round in films and i think thats one of the main reasons why the film werent published or accepted in that matter.

Having children smoking weed and attending house parties in the film was bad. especially raping in front of kids was very upsetting to see. What makes me mad about the film is that the boy tat gave the girl HIV was going around and bashing young girls for fun or should one say makes him feel better. However I think the point of the film is that children are very naive when they are at that age!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for taking the time out to read my book, lol!
Dont forget to comment guys! lol x


$Lady T$ said...

Thats a big old pile of BS at the end of the day yes there maybe some kids that are like that these days but not most kids are like that.
So your tellin me your where comfortable watching YOUNG kids having sex and knowing that there was some kind of strange person standing there directing and filming those YOUNG kids on how they want them to have sex?!

Babii Nikki said...

Its quite clear that lady t didnt read my blog, i didnt once say that i enjoyed watching young kids having sex! the point is it takes two, if you as a person doesnt want to do something then it cant happen.Simple as that! ITS REALITY! DEAL WITH IT! youre just looking at it in a one way matter!

Kuba said...

I would disagree that kids nowadays are like in this movie. Most children aren't; of course they are experimenting and rebel against the world but they are good, smart kids. But also there is a number of children which 'misbehave', but in my opinion it's coused by (stupid)parents and mass culture of contemporary world. We shouldn't blame the kids, we should blame ourselves. Yes, children are naive, and if they see in almost every stupid comedy that going around and bashing girls is cool, they will do it.
What is missing in the movie, is that in this group of teenagers there should be few older 'kids' who brings those bad models of 'adult' behavior to them.
To $lady t$: Hellloooo movie isn't reality! Nobody had sex there. And those YOUNG kids in real world were from 16 to 20 years old then! Do some research! And I can say I was comfortable with 'sex scenes', because considering movie as ART, not REALITY, those scenes were destroying one of the taboos in movies, they were schocking but also important in developing the genere.